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Stop by the Gallery Gift Shop in person.
We've got something for everyone.
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Deco Platters & Bowls
Stop by the Gallery Gift Shop in person.
We've got something for everyone.
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Deco Platters & Bowls
Stop by the Gallery Gift Shop in person.
We've got something for everyone.
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Phone: (717) 614-0317
Stop by the Gallery Gift Shop in person.
We've got something for everyone.
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24. Handcarved Pottery
Each piece is individually handcrafted and hand carved. Choose from pitchers, bowls, trays, platters, etc. Come in and browse the selections. $10 to $75.00

Mellon Vase 2
Large Mellon Shapped Mellon Vase, Blue Glaze, Decorative and Functional. $95

Mellon Vase
Large Decorative, Functional, Mellon Shape Vase. Olive Green Glaze, Stressed Exterior. $95

Round Stressed Vase with Lid
Large Round Stressed Vase w/Lid Temmoko/Cream glaze colors 11 inch high 9 inch diameter $89

Dragon Fly Vase
Hand Carved Dragon Fly Vase Approx. 10 x 10 inches Jade Green Color $74

20. Vases
Vases available in variuos shapes, sizes, glaze colors. $12.00 to $45.00
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